Islam Equals Peace, How?
Islam is Salam (Peace)

Islam Equals Peace,  How? - Before reading this article, firstly please reads our article on what is islam means?

Islam and Peace 

If we back to arabic dictionaries, we will find that the word peace in arabic is SALAM which came from the same root of the word ISLAM. So, literally Islam is related to peace!

How Islam is Peace?

Peace is not only a word which people say it as sweeteners in the lips, but rather that it's practical and actions which is directed to achieves peace, and this is what Islam all about!

There is two directions in Islamic concept that we requires to achieves peace :

1. Have a good relation to your Creator (The God, Allah)
This is the most important for human in order to gain peace for themself. Our creator is the most Important one who we make good relation to, because He is the one who have created us, giving us life, foods, drinks oxygens, and literally all we have and blessing are from His merciful.

How to make good relation with Allah (The God) ? 

  • First of all is to know Him through what He have sent down as revelation to human being which is Quran and Sunnah (Prophet's words);
  • To worships Him alone and do not makes association of any kind in worships with Him.

  • Worships is not just a narrow meaning (e.g only in mosques), but rather it's have wide fields included actions, speaks, and even our intentions within heart can have it's value of worships if we do it for sake of Allah.

 2. Have a good relation with your fellow Creations (human, animals, plants, environments etc)

Yeah, if you ever read about Islamic literatures you obviously will knows what I mean, Quran and Prophetic saying (Hadiths, Sunnah) contains full of practical deeds which aim to achieves peace and harmony amongst us fellow human being or our environtments.

Thank you for reading Islam Equals Peace,  How?

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