Aceh Regional Introduction

Biggest mosque in Aceh

Aceh Darussalam is one of the special regions in Indonesia. Nicknamed as balcony of Mecca,it was place for Malays Muslims destination for purified before traveling to the Hajj in Mecca, and by that was the nickname came.

In December 2004, a powerful earthquake hit the western shores of Aceh, leading to a massive tsunami on the coasts of the Indian Ocean Rim countries. Aceh bore the bulk of the tsunami, killing more than 238,000 of its population (about 6% of the population).

Aceh is the first area that Islam came to in Indonesia. Historians have disagreed in determining the time of the introduction of Islam to Aceh as they differ in ways that how Islam came to Aceh. The historical effects to indicate that Islam has spread in Aceh since the third century of hijri calender. There are three theories about the ways Islam introduced to Aceh. The first is that Islam came to Aceh by traders of Gujarat, India, and the second says that it came from the Persians and the other says it came directly from the Arabs by Caliph mission.

Aceh Politics 

Aceh local government has the right to form an independent judicial system, such as the government in 2003 has embarked Aceh Islamic Sharia as the source of the first legislation to have.

Aceh Demand for secession 

Aceh demanding to secede from Indonesia. Negotiations between the Government of Jakarta and the group of the Free Aceh Movement (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka - GAM) which calls for secession since 1979.

Aceh Economic 

The most important economic resource is oil and mined by British-Dutch Shell.

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